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Products from 'Cobermaster Concept' are shipped to: United Kingdom, Portugal and are located in: Portugal"
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3024x4032 2244kb
Bookcase - cabinet
Cobermaster Concept
3024x4032 2896kb
Shadow -cabinet
1920x1080 855kb
Moon - center table
3024x4032 786kb
Bradley - Individual Sofa
3024x4032 1930kb
Shadow - Console
3024x4032 1356kb
Prism - Small Lamp
3024x4032 2858kb
Sat Cat - Floor Lamp
3024x4032 3212kb
Sunset - Lamp
Lighting is one of the most important elements of a decoration project. While it's true that strategically placed pieces of furniture create the perfect setting, lighting is undoubtedly the final touch of interior design and a factor to take into account when designing the ambience. This component is essential to create ambience and functionality to the different spaces so that they benefit from the fluidity and harmony of the design. Cobermaster Concept developed a lighting line that challenges the pre-defined concept of lamp, designing irreverent, bold and simultaneously practical and effective pieces from the lighting point of view. Floor lamps are great for recreating reading spaces and lighting up armchairs or sofa corners. Origin and Studio are great examples of this range. The high degree of technical complexity and the highly innovative design make these pieces authentic works of art. At Origin it is still possible to see the beauty of the deconstruction of the three-dimensional railing, in a piece that keeps know-how and some manufacturing secrets. Table lamps make evenings more cozy and inviting, while increasing the brightness of prominent spaces. Case or Bulldog were designed to enhance any type of environment, from the most industrial and modern to the most luxurious, providing a warm and comfortable light. Simple and irreverent, these lamps are designed to give that final touch to a console or sideboard, making each space unique and sophisticated. These lamps are essential, since they are responsible for the wide distribution of light throughout the room, and are also an extension of the decoration of the environment. Disform was thought and conceived with the aim of giving an exclusive shape and volume to the lighting itself. The three-dimensional grid allows the creation of complex but elegant lines at the same time. If you need further information, please contact
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