Craft Project: Beaded Hanging Basket


Good Vibes Guaranteed!

Colourful geraniums make this hanging basket, fashioned from an old kitchen sieve and colourful strings of beads, a fantastic decorative idea for any garden party. For geraniums to grow and produce flowers well into autumn, these easy-care plants need plenty of space. As most kitchen sieves are unlikely to be deep enough in the long term, we recommend only using this upcycled hanging basket as a temporary geranium container. You can create this suspended decoration project in just a few steps.

Image credits: Pelargoniums for Europe


A Colourful Focal Point

The bright beads and vibrant flowers of a lush geranium make this DIY hanging basket an ideal party decoration. With an old kitchen sieve, rust-effect spray paint, beads, craft wire and a gorgeous flowering trailing geranium, you can make this original upcycled hanging basket in no time.

For this hanging basket project, you will need a sieve without a handle (this can be easily removed with a grinder or similar tool), rust effect spray paint, a reel of craft wire, various coloured beads, wire cutters and a trailing geranium.


How to do it

Step 1: For the perfect "vintage look", spray the sieve with the rust-effect spray paint and leave to dry.


Next Step

Use the wire cutters to cut three equal lengths of craft wire to your desired hanging length. Thread the coloured beads onto the lengths of wire in whatever pattern you like.


Taking Shape

Attach the three lengths of beaded wire to the top edge of the sieve. An even distance between the attachment points will ensure your hanging basket stays straight. Twist the upper ends of the wires together.



Finally, plant the trailing geranium in the sieve and suspend your upcycling hanging basket with strong rope or cord in a sunny to semi-shady spot in your garden or on your patio. Water in small amounts.

Reproduction is free of charge, please credit "Pelargonium for Europe". You can find further information and download our latest press content and photos at

Pelargonium for Europe

Pelargonium for Europe is a marketing initiative of the European geranium growers DΓΌmmen Orange, Elsner PAC, Florensis / P. van der Haak Handelskwekerij, Selecta One and Syngenta Flowers. The initiative was founded in 2016 with the aim of promoting and securing geranium sales in Europe in the long term. The campaign now runs in 22 countries.

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