Looking for classic design with a contemporary touch?

Introducing Heritage With A Twist from family-run wallpaper retailer Beautiful Walls.

The seven-strong collection by John Morris brings together staples of the design world and gives them a 21st century spin. Damasks and florals are reinvented in vibrant colourways while scenic landscapes, statement tartans and schools of fish make up the rest of the collection.

Tim Dixon, Managing Director of Beautiful Walls, said: “This collection is a celebration of classic British design, bringing together the rich heritage of design and giving it a unique spin.

“It draws on more than five decades of design archives and traditional manufacturing techniques, and plays with bold colour, scale and drama. Put simply, it’s Great British heritage with a twist.”

Heritage With A Twist is available now from beautifulwalls.co.uk priced at £225 per roll.
About Beautiful Walls

Combining striking wall coverings with exceptional customer service, Beautiful Walls is a family-run business boasting exclusive wallpaper collections to suit all interior tastes.

From the bold maximalism of the Rifle Paper Co to the classic stylings of Candice Olson, Beautiful Walls scours the globe to bring the best designs to its customers.

Starting life as The London Paperhanging Company in 1854, the name and the interior scene might have changed in its almost 170-year history, but the company’s commitment to its customers has never wavered.

For more: beautifulwalls.co.uk

Beautiful Walls is represented by homes & interiors specialists jwcpr