Straightforward, timeless, unfussy

These attributes characterize the bird feeders from OPOSSUMdesign. Modern architecture is interpreted; stainless steel is combined here partly with natural slate and knots. Twigs and wooden sticks serve as a natural landing aid and invite birds to linger. No superfluous frills, no alpine house idyll, nothing distracts from bullfinches, tits or sparrows: free view of free birds.
Cat-safe mounted on a 1.5 m long stainless steel rod, many of these birdhouses offer not only food but also water, becoming a year-round bird bistro. Contrary to outdated opinion, feeding birds is not only important in winter, but especially when the seasons are getting warmer. The need for nutrients is particularly high during the rearing phases. Here the birds need our support, also because of the insect decline.
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