Flecks White Porcelain Tiles


Added 13/07/21

Original price

GBP £ 57

Converted price

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Company is located in: United Kingdom
Ships to: United Kingdom and all countries globally


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If terrazzo is the trend of the time, then these extraordinary tiles are surely the trailblazer.
Big, bold and beautiful, they?re an antidote to minimalist chic - exactly the kind of tiles required for show-stopping interiors.
Unlike other terrazzo tiles which tend to feature smaller chips, the distinctive shards pack a real design punch and will enliven any space. They?re a conversation starter, that?s for sure!
In our eyes, these brilliant tiles are perfect for larger, open-plan rooms where you can really go for that all-over, total-look effect.
Oh, and how?s this for a bonus? If the surface of the tile gets wet, the grip underfoot actually increases to an ?R10? slip-rating. Captivating form, clever function!

Tile size: 90cm x 90cm
£50.40 per square metre

Last updated: 13/07/21

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