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Fern Christmas Jumper


Added 13/11/24

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GBP £ 45

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#html-body [data-pb-style=FEBMF5Y]{justify-content:flex-start;display:flex;flex-direction:column;background-position:left top;background-size:cover;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-attachment:scroll}If you’re new to Tonies then listen up, as it’s an awesome storytelling world for youngsters. Tonies can be model characters or, as here, a collection of four stackable, magnetic boxes, each one containing a 30-minute audio adventure.The four themes of our collaboration with Tonies are dinosaurs, oceans, British wildlife and the Museum at night. Each one is filled with fun facts about our wild exhibits – and what goes on after dark. They’re a wonderful way to engage young minds, encourage creativity, help literacy and speech development – while having lots of fun.The stackable boxes, also known as Clever Pocket Tonies, play through a cubed stereo called a Toniebox (not included), which relies on Wi-Fi to play the stories. The Tonies attach to each other and the Toniebox through magnets, which means they need to be kept away from medical components, such as pacemakers, and magnetic-sensitive products like credit cards or computers.Why not have a quick listen to this sample track?

Last updated: 13/11/24

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