Bee Box

Added 15/11/24

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GBP £ 20

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Our latest, exciting new product... the ‘Bee Box’ is for primary school-aged children, enabling them to learn, create and grow for bees*.
The box is endorsed by Buglife and contains:
- Bee ID cards - for 8 common bumblebees and 8 solitary bee species.
- Information cards to help children learn about the different types of bees.
- Activity cards with ‘Bee tasks’ so they can make things or grow seeds/plants
- Seedballs® - with native wildflowers that bees love
- Bee sketch book to draw and illustrate their findings.
- Colour-in bookmark.
- Set of colouring pencils.
- Fun activity sheet to test all their buzzy knowledge.

Our children have created their own ‘top tips’ to help others gain success in the tasks, which can be found throughout the activity cards. All information given has been family 'tried and tested'.

"The Bee Box is a delightful gift to share with the children in your life as it is full of engaging information, puzzles and more to engage them with our precious pollinators. We need to save our bees but to do this we must first love them. The bee box is an ideal way to grow that love in future generations."
Paul Hetherington, Buglife the Invertebrate Conservation Trust.

Bee Box aims to encourage children to step outside and look at bees, learn about their differences and to engage with their conservation by making things outside or growing plants.
*A free A5 sheet of bee stickers with every order.

We regret we cannot post outside the UK due to the inclusion of wildflower seeds.

Last updated: 15/11/24

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